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Choose to be Happy Today

Note from the editor: This tip from Dayna is a great reminder on a Monday! How will you choose to be happier this week? What will you do spread happiness in your contact center? The choice is yours. Make it a great week! Happiness

Only you can decide whether you are going to be happy or not. Make the choice to be happy. Yes, you. Happiness is not something tangible people can give to you. Make the decision to be happy where you are with what you have or find a way to fix that. And, then be happy you are making a change. If you want to be unhappy, that’s okay too – but never blame it on someone else. It’s not their fault.

The Dalai Lama recently said something close to this – a happy person makes a happy family makes a happy community makes a happy world. Choose to be happy today. (And leave a comment below--tell us how you plan to spread happiness this week)

More Tips from Dayna:

Find your happy in Long Beach, CA. Join us at Contact Center Expo and Conference for a week of inspiring sessions, site tours, and networking. Register by March 18th to save $200!