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Good Listeners Make Good Spies

Note from the editor: As we continue our focus on hiring and workforce management, this tip from Dayna is especially timely. One of the most important qualities to look for in any new contact center agent is good listening skills. It's also a good reminder for more seasoned customer service pros.  Don't just do all the talking, really listen to what you're customers are saying.  Share this tip with your team and leave your comments below! How will you practice more mindful listening this week?

Rolling StonesThe more you hear, the more you know. The more you know, the easier it is to succeed. Thanks to Steeleworker Phillip Know for forwarding this article from Jan Garrison in the Culver News: Good Listeners Make Good Spies. The title most definitely caught my attention – teaching people to listen has long been a part of my speech presentations. The story I tell? I don’t know the Rolling Stones personally, but while all the other radio and record people talked (and talked and talked) the first time I was backstage with the band, I listened. I heard the road manager instruct crew to put the shortest person in the room in the front row for the picture. I kicked off my heels and wore flats every time I was around them from that point on … I make the greatest rock band in the world look tall.

Looking for more success tips? This could be a companion to this one: You gave away the company secrets.

Tip #68 in 101 Ways to Rock Your World: LISTEN.

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