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Private Contact Center Group Training

Private Group Contact Center Training

This scalable and cost-effective learning option allows you to affordably train as many - or as few - employees as you'd like, while customizing course content to your precise needs. All courses offer an optimal balance of facilitation, group exercises, case studies, and practical application exercises – vital in supporting a highly retainable, hands-on learning experience.

Benefits of Private Group Training

Available 100% Virtually

Virtual Private group training


Our world-renowned trainers can deliver private group courses to your team live through ICMI's interactive virtual classroom.

Easily Train in Large Numbers

contact center team training


Private Group Training presents a great opportunity to train large contact center teams in one sitting - perfect for quickly ramping up skills.

Course Content is Customizable

custom contact center training


This method of training is delivered strictly to your team, so we have the ability to tailor our course content to the specific needs of your operation.

How It Works

Request one or more or ICMI’s instructor-led classroom courses for a private group training, and we'll work with you to find a time and date that is most convenient for you. Students can login to ICMI's Virtual Classroom from anywhere and begin the course at the designated time. In addition, we can also stream private contact center group trainings through our virtual classroom at multiple sites at once - so if you have multiple locations, or some employees onsite and some remote, this method can be quite useful. At the end of each course, all participants receive a certificate of completion.

Could be the Best Fit If:

  • You have a group of 6 or more participants to train in a concentrated area of expertise
  • You have a specific time frame in which you’d like the training to take place
  • You’d like your training experience to be tailored to address your specific training objectives



Want a Detailed Proposal?

Get more information on bringing ICMI Training to your call center in person or virtually by calling 800.672.6177 or by filling out the below form.