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A Practical Approach to Implementing Conversational Service

Date Published: March 26, 2017 - Last Updated November 01, 2021 ago

Pages: 14


Provide conversational service that also meets the needs of the organization and the individuals responsible for delivering service.

There’s an omnichannel imperative circulating through the contact center world as organizations become more digital and consumers behave with a mobile-first mindset.  A juxtaposition exists as consumer expectations of personalized, conversational service increase at the same time as corporations look for opportunities to automate or eliminate as many interactions as possible.  Anyone in the contact center understands that delivering bespoke service in an era of rising AI prevalence is no simple task. The questions on to deliver the most practical approach to customer-centric service are in no short supply. 

If voice is increasingly used as an escalation path from another channel, how do organizations ensure a continuity in conversation?

How do organizations leverage people, process, and technology to ensure that conversational service is delivered to the degree that customers expect?

What’s the role of the live agent in today’s organization? Are they just there to serve? To Sell? What’s the right answer?

Why is an authentic customer experience critical to the success of today’s service organization?

In this ICMI Trend Report, we’ll explore the latest research, case studies, authoritative insights, and proven best practices in how organizations are solving today’s problems with delivering conversational service that also meetings the needs of the organization and the individuals responsible for delivering service.

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