Christina Hammarberg
Date Published: August 03, 2012 - Last Updated August 22, 2018
Comments (3)
UPDATE: The winning caption for our July cartoon is: "Teleme this: Are Jack, Brie and Colby in competition to increase the AHT? At this rate, they will age longer than Parmesan, Romano and Asiago."" "Thank you for holding..." submitted by Kelly Martyn of CNH Captial. Congratulations, Jody!
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ICMI's Call Center Cartoon Caption Contest (or as I like to call it, "CCCC") is back! This month we've got a 'toon inspired by all of us wondering what it would be like if we could work from a blanket by the shore.
But, first things first! We are pleased to announce that the winner of June's contest is …. (drumroll, please!)
Jody Lewis of UnitedHealth Group.
Way to go, Jody!!
Next up, we need your votes to help select the winner for July’s cartoon, (remember our little friends in the ‘Ye Olde Cheese Contact Center’?), we’ve narrowed the submissions to these three finalists:
1. "Teleme this: Are Jack, Brie and Colby in competition to increase the AHT? At this rate, they will age longer than Parmesan, Romano and Asiago."
2. "Our products stink you say?" "That's just the extra mature package you're on Madam."
3. "Thank you for your order with Ye Olde Cheese, Have a Gouda day!"
Which caption is the best? Send your votes to me at [email protected]!
Finally, here’s your chance at caption stardom! Post your cleverest, coolest (PG-rated!) caption for the August cartoon. (Be sure to review the official rules before you enter).
Submissions for this month are now closed. Please see our new September cartoon to submit your caption!