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Industry Stats: Will Customers Pay for a Better Experience?

Do you think customers will pay more for a better customer experience?

We polled our community last week to ask this question, and 75% answered in the affirmative. 

This is also one of the questions featured in our current live research project "Customer Experience Management Hot Buttons" sponsored by Avaya. If you haven't already, we encourage you to take 20 minutes and participate in this research by taking our survey.  If you complete the survey by Monday, September 30 you could receive a $5 Starbucks giftcard for your time. You'll also be eligible to purchase the complete research report at 50% off when it's released.

ICMI designed the survey to gather information about how specific industries are using human capital and technology to provide Customer Experience Management (CEM). The intention is to better understand the cross-over between the verticals, the unique nuances, and the opportunities and challenges that exist within each. We will specifically compare and contrast Healthcare, Finance and Retail against other verticals in both the private and public sectors. The objective of the research is to determine the community’s opinions, intentions, usage, and goals around Customer Experience Management (CEM)and the contact center.

Thanks in advance for your help with this valuable research!  We look forward to sharing the results with you in the coming months.