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5 Steps to Bring Your Boldest Ideas to Life & Fuel Big Time Innovation

Attending events and conferences has been a huge part of my career journey and I've encountered some incredibly inspiring keynotes along the way. I've heard from legends like Mark Hamill and Henry Winkler—both of whom left a lasting mark.

And then there's Kyle Scheele. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be him.

Kyle Scheele on stage for keynote at ICMI Contact Center Expo

Fresh from an action-packed week at ICMI Contact Center Expo 2024 in Orlando, I'm still brimming with ideas and enthusiasm from Kyle's keynote. The energy, creativity and actionable insights he shared have sparked some incredible conversations among attendees and I know I'm not the only one who left inspired.

So, what was so special about Kyle's message? It boils down to one simple but powerful takeaway: If you want crazy results, you have to embrace crazy ideas. Let's break down the five things Kyle says every idea needs to thrive.

5 Things Every Idea Needs

#1: A Chance

The first thing every idea needs is a chance. Kyle challenged us to remember that our brains are wired more for belief than truth-seeking. Sometimes, we reject ideas too quickly because we don't immediately see how they'll work. But crazy ideas—those with the potential to yield breakthrough results—often defy logic at first glance. We'll never see their potential if we don't give our ideas a fair shot. Kyle reminded us that innovation starts with giving ideas a shot, even if they seem out there.

#2: A Home

Once you've got an idea, don't let it float aimlessly—give it a home. Kyle shared how our brains excel at recognizing patterns and making connections. But they often get lost if we don't capture our ideas in some form. Whether you jot ideas down in a notebook, log them in a voice memo or create a special "idea stash" on your phone, make it a habit to record all ideas, even the "bad" ones. Kyle said that sometimes the best ideas live between two bad ones.

#3: A Time and a Place

Kyle reminded us that every idea needs a moment when it's brought out into the world. One of the most common traps is waiting for the perfect time to act on an idea. Spoiler alert: there is no perfect time. There will always be reasons to hold back, but great ideas can only create impact when put into motion. The key here is not to overthink it—launch it now, even if it feels rough around the edges.

#4: A Bodyguard

As leaders, we have a responsibility to protect ideas—ours and those of our teams—from premature criticism. We've all encountered the devil's advocate who's quick to list every reason why something won't work. Kyle stresses the importance of being an idea bodyguard, shielding ideas during their vulnerable early stages. If we shut ideas down too soon, we miss out on the possibility of their success. As leaders, we can create a safer space for people to share their thoughts and build confidence to try new things.

#5: A Crew

Finally, Kyle emphasized that creativity is a team sport. The most extraordinary ideas rarely come from isolated individuals—they're born from collaboration. Just look at the legacy of Destiny's Child and Beyoncé's rise to fame. Behind every success story is a crew that fuels and supports the vision. As we seek to innovate in our contact centers, let's remember that sharing ideas and working together isn't just helpful; it's essential. This approach is the key to evolving and thriving together.

The ICMI Idea Incubator: A New Way to Grow Together!

In the spirit of Kyle's message, I'm excited to share my own crazy idea: The ICMI Idea Incubator. What if we could create a space where ideas are given a chance, a home, a time and place, protection and a community? Here's what I have in mind: we'll meet up once per month on Teams to talk through current challenges, brainstorm solutions and problem-solve together.

Each participant will receive an ICMI Idea Incubator notebook to capture and track ideas. We'll also set up a private group for on-the-fly chats, idea sharing and accountability.

Ready to join? Let's bring more crazy ideas to life in 2025. If you're interested, email me at [email protected] or log your interest here

More details coming soon! :-)