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Call for Speakers

Submit your proposal to be a speaker at ICMI's Contact Center Expo taking place October 27 - 30, 2025.

Proposals are now open and will be accepted until April 4, 2025.

As it always has, Contact Center Expo brings together experts, practitioners, thought leaders, and solution providers, all united around a singular focus: to energize and empower contact center and customer experience pros to make a real difference in their careers and organizations. Over 1,000 leaders will gather in October in Orlando, FL for 4 days of insightful presentations, informative case studies, and strategic guidance.

We are looking to make Contact Center Expo a more diverse and inclusive program, featuring speakers who offer practical guidance and specific takeaways/lessons learned that will enable attendees to make immediate improvements in their own organizations.


Important Dates

  • March 10, 2025: Call for Speakers opens
  • April 4, 2025: Call for Speakers closes 
  • Week of May 26, 2025: Notification of acceptance status
  • October 27 - 30, 2025: Event dates

    Call for Speakers Toolkit

    In this toolkit, you will find: 

    An overview of the process
    Eligibility criteria
    Key selection criteria
    Rules of engagement
    Evaluation guide

    We’ve also included descriptions of the conference tracks and tips for navigating SUBS, our submission portal.



