Erica Marois
Date Published: January 09, 2014 - Last Updated August 22, 2018
Last October ICMI wrapped up a three month tweet chat series leading up to our Contact Center Demo and Conference. Since then, many of you have been asking us to bring back the weekly chats. You asked; we listened.
Over the last couple of weeks we’ve polled our community to gauge the most convenient day and time to host our tweet chats. The community has spoken and 1:00 pm ET on Tuesdays is the clear winner.
So, on Tuesday, February 4 we’ll kick off our new tweet chat series. The timing is perfect as our editorial calendar for February is focused exclusively on social media! In keeping with that editorial focus, our chats for the month of February will be based around the topic of social media customer support. We’ll discuss current trends, look at the challenges, hear from contact centers that have succeeded at implementing social customer support, and more! We’ll also chat with some of our industry experts who will be speaking on social customer support at ICMI’s Contact Center Expo and Conference in May.
Not sure how to get started? Check out this 5 minute tutorial.
Be sure to mark your calendars and spread the word! We’ll be hosting these chats each week in 2014 on Tuesdays at 1 pm ET. All you need to do to join the conversation is use and follow the hashtag #ICMIchat.
Have questions? Reach out to me at [email protected]. I’d love to help you get involved!