Erica Marois
Date Published: August 06, 2014 - Last Updated September 26, 2019
Comments (2)
I may be a little biased, but I think the contact center community is one of the smartest around. Since taking on the role of community specialist here at ICMI, I’ve become a bit partial to this passionate, dedicated, fun (and sometimes crazy) group. Hands down, the best part of this industry is its people.
And since I’m somewhat of a social media addict, I have a deep appreciation for those who regularly share their insight on Twitter, and contribute to the important contact center (#cctr) conversations.
What do all these #cctr loving Twitter fanatics have in common? They’re fiercely dedicated to improving the customer experience. They’re champions for customer service. They’re contact center thought leaders.
I have compiled a list of the top 50 contact center thought leaders on Twitter. The people listed below are the voice of the contact center on Twitter, and they regularly share useful content. They’re the people I look to everyday for guidance on all the biggest issues facing the contact center. On this list are best-selling authors, mangers of contact centers both large and small, customer experience consultants, technology practitioners, speakers, and more. Each person on this list does their part to help shape, educate, and promote the contact center industry.
Narrowing this list down to 50 was not easy! Did I miss someone? Leave your additions to the list in the comments section below.
If you’re looking for ways to better engage with the contact center community on Twitter, I encourage you to join us each Tuesday at 1pm ET for #ICMIchat. It’s a fun hour of contact center networking and learning. This month we’re chatting all about contact center metrics. Next month: self-service. I encourage you jump in and bring a friend. Let me know if you’d like a calendar invite.
Without further ado, here are my selections for the top 50 #cctr thought leaders on Twitter. Below you’ll see a sample of their brilliance. I encourage you to follow these thought leaders, engage with them, and learn from them!
Tweet you all soon! Congrats to those on the Top 50 list, and thanks for all you do for the contact center industry. Keep the #cctr insight coming!
On the list? Download this badge to display on your personal site.

1. Marsha Collier @MarshaCollier
2. Shep Hyken @Hyken
3. Flavio Martins @flavmartins
4. Anna Sabryan @AnnaSabryan
5. Michael Lytle @Michael_Lytle
6. Rosetta Lue @rosettalue
7. Roy Atkinson @RoyAtkinson
8. Chip Bell @ChipRBell
9. Steve Curtin @enthused
10. Mitch Lieberman @mjayliebs
11. Melissa Kovacevic @MKCallConsult
12. Greg Sherry @GregSherry
13. Sheila McGee-Smith @mcgeemsith
14. Kate Leggett @kateleggett
15. Nancy Porte @nporte
16. Martin Hill-Wilson @martinhw
17. Jeremy Watkin @jtwatkin
18. Greg Meyer @grmeyer
19. Al Hopper @AlHopper_
20. Richard Dumas @RichardDumas
21. Michael Pace @micpace
22. Greg Yankelovich @piplzchoice
23. Ian Jacobs @iangjacobs
24. Brad Cleveland @bradcleveland
25. Cohan Leon Daley @cohanleon
26. Lisa Ford @Lisa_A_Ford
27. Matthew Hooper @VigilantGuy
28. Daren Prine @DarrenPrine
29. Sarah Stealey Reed @stealeyreed
30. Jodi Beuder @IMPACT_Jodi
31. Eric Tamblyn @etamb
32. Jess Greene Pierson @JGPierson
33. Kirk Weisler @kirkweisler
34. Mike Aoki @mikeaoki
35. Gregg McMullen @gmmcmullen
36. Bob Furniss @bobfurniss
37. Matt McConnell @Intradiem
38. Keith Pearce @pistolprce
39. Jeff Toister @toister
40. Sean Hawkins @SeanBHawkins
41. Carolyn Blunt @carolynblunt
42. Tobias Goebel @tpgoebel
43. Justin Robbins @justinmrobbins
44. Debbie Szumylo @DebbieSzumylo
45. Jenny Dempsey @JennySueDempsey
46. Leslie O’Flahavan @LeslieO
47. Robin Schaffer @robinjs19
48. Elias Parker @EliasParker
49. Teresa Allen @TeresaAllen
50. Andrew Neff @AndrewinContact
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