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#ICMIchat Recap: Contact Center Culture in Action

All month long we've had a blast chatting about contact center culture during our weekly tweet chats!  Our #ICMIchat on Tuesday was no exception.  Neal Topf, President of Callzilla led a very lively and well-attended discussion on culture in action.

We tacked questions such as:

  • What would you do if you had $25 to spend on each of your employees? 
  • What makes a contact center award-worthy?
  • What's the value of participating in industry related awards programs?
  • What's the biggest lesson you've learned about company culture throughout your career?

Check out the recap below for insight from our community. Did you miss the chat?  Feel free to weigh-in with your thoughts in the comments below.

Mark your calendars to join us next week (Tuesday, 1:00 EST)!  We're kicking off our month of workforce optimization with a chat about turning WFM into WFO.  Just follow and use the hashtag #ICMIchat to participate.