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Don't Settle for Good Enough

Note from the editor: Is your contact center settling for "good enough"? Are you getting by on old technology, waiting to implement a new channel, or skimping on agent training because things are going fine? Don't sell yourself short (or rob your customers of a better experience). There's always room for improvement. Meet with your team this week and identify three priorities for the second quarter. Comment below and tell us how you plan to move from good to great.

Iron company, good enough

Short cuts create short-lived success and long-term failure. My dad used to say, “If you are going to do something, always give 110% – or don’t do it at all.” Never leave a job half done or good enough. It took us four estimates before an iron company showed up to actually do the work. This image is what they left us. When called, all we got was, “Well, it’s close enough.” (This crooked plate will drive me crazy for years to come.)

Want to be wildly successful? Do what you say you are going to do and do it better than anyone expected. Have a lovely day….

More Tips from Dayna: